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FOBSP: The Elm Street Franchise Revisted
Welcome back to Fortress of Baileytude Showcase Presents, the very irregular show here at the Fortress of Baileytude Podcasting Network where I talk about anything I feel like. Most of the time it is out of the realm of the subjects I normally talk about and it’s always meant to be fun or informative or cathartic.
This time out I want to celebrate Halloween and what better way than to talk about my favorite horror movie franchise of all time with a couple of friends? Joining me to talk about all of the above are Melinda and Aaron from the amazing Dreamland: The Retroblasting Podcast. Our subject?
Freddy Kruger.
The original A Nightmare on Elm Street came out in 1984 and introduced the world to Freddy Kruger. Since then we have gotten six films in the original series, a meta-textual sequel, a team-up movie, a remake of the original as well as comic books, a television series, board games, trading cards and so much more. Freddy was also a major presence on MTV during the late eighties, so it’s fair to say that the Nightmare franchise became a big part of the pop culture landscape. Melinda, Aaron and I talk about all of it to one extent or another in addition to telling our Nightmare origin stories, our favorite movies in the franchise and a very deep conversation about A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge, which is largely considered to be the worst of the original series.
Keep reading for fun show notes!
Show Notes Continue reading
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Episode 24: The Old Switcheroo
Welcome to the twenty-fourth episode of The Overlooked Dark Knight. The is a non-index index show where the hosts, Andrew Leyland and Michael Bailey, look at Batman comics that rarely, if ever, get talked about. In the second episode of the month they discuss the various books that were associated with the animated Batman shows of the nineties, though just about everything is fair game.
This time out the guys get back to the Animated related books they’ve been banging on about. In Batman Adventures #3 the Joker’s master plan finally comes to fruition as he holds the Dark Knight captive. Or does he? Then in Batman and Robin Adventures #4 (because Andy and Mike talked about issue 3 some time back) the title does not live up to it’s name because there is no Robin in the story. There is a Penguin though and Mr. Cobblepot actually has a reason to do what he’s doing that is’t selfish.
Below is a gallery of images from the books discussed in this episode.
Andy and Mike want your feedback on this episode so they can read it on an upcoming show! You even have options in how you leave your feedback. The most direct way is to leave a comment right here on the site. You can also send all questions, concerns, fears and trepidations to Then there’ the Facebook page, where you can also leave a Batman related question for Andy and Mike to answer at the beginning of the show. If you talk about this show on the social medias please include a #overlookeddk so the guys know where to find it.
If you want to subscribe to the show here’s the RSS Feed and the iTunes link. If you use iTunes please leave us a review. Not only will we read that on the air like the other feedback but it really helps the show out.
Next Time: Animated Batman! Be there!
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This past Labor Day weekend (the first weekend of September for those outside of the US and Canada) is usually spent at cookouts or other celebrations unless you have to work, which is kind of ironic when you consider the holiday is supposed to be about celebrating the hard working men and women of the world. Other people use this weekend to gear up for college football season. For my wife and I Labor Day weekend has meant one thing since 2001.
For those of you unfamiliar with DragonCon it’s…insane. Ostensibly it is a four (technically now five) day science fiction/fantasy/anything remotely geeky convention that exists over five host hotels in the middle of Atlanta, Georgia. Describing what DragonCon is can be a bit tricky because it means different things to different people. Officially it’s a fan driven convention, meaning that fans put the programming together and run the show. For some people it’s a chance to come and show off their cosplay skills. For others it’s a chance to hang out with friends and like minded people and celebrate whatever fandom you are into. For a lot of people it’s a place for geeks to come and get hammered.
Your mileage may vary.
For the past few cons I’ve been getting more involved on the presenting side of the con, which mainly involves being on panels either as a speaker or a moderator. This past year (2018 for the future people) was a busy one and four of the twelve panels I was a part of involved Superman. I also got to do something I have never done before.
Appear on television.
Fox 5 Atlanta sent a reporter named Paul Milliken to DragonCon on Friday morning doing several segments for the morning show Good Day Atlanta and the focus of several of these segments was Superman’s 80th birthday. Greg Euston of DragonCon’s media relations team reached out to me a few weeks before con and asked if I would like to be a part of one of those segments. And that’s how this happened.
A few things about what you just watched.
- The Superman cosplayers were great. Before this segment was shot another cosplayer dressed as Princess Leia from Return of the Jedi walked by with her service dog, who was dressed as an Ewok. Suddenly five huge men dressed as Superman melted over this dog. It was adorable. They were also great guys as well. We chatted a bit after the segment and I ran into them a few times over the weekend. Their costumes were impressive as were their physiques.
- Paul is a really nice guy. We chatted a bit before and after the segment and he’s very genuine and put me at ease. I’ve was a bit nervous but talking to him and getting a sense of what he was looking for before we went live was the best thing that could happen.
- The guy running the camera looked like Jared Leto circa My So-Called Life. This really doesn’t have anything to do with anything but it was one of the observations I had that morning.
- Alex Sinclair was another nice guy and I had the pleasure of moderating a panel he was on the next day.
- The fact that you can see me in the background looking at my phone later in the video is embarrassing.
Anyway, that’s my television appearance. It was cool. I’m glad it happened.
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Fortress of Baileytude Showcase Presents: The Death and Return of Superman 25 Years Later
Welcome to another episode of Fortress of Baileytude Showcase Presents, an irregular show here at the Fortress where I talk about something that either doesn’t fit with my other shows or is about something that I feel deserves its own dedicated special.
This time out I am celebrating the 25th anniversary of the release of Superman (Vol. 2) #82. While there was a month and a half of wrap up stories Superman #82 was the final chapter of the Reign of the Supermen storyline and saw Superman return to his original costume after a month or so of running around in a black suit with a silver S. It was also the end of a saga that had been going on since October of the previous year, so this felt like a thing to celebrate. More than anything, The Death and Return of Superman is not only one of the most important stories in the history of the character but it is also an important time in my own collecting life.
So, this time out I am not talking about the what happened in the pages of the comic (because I already did that with Jeffrey Taylor over on From Crisis to Crisis) but what was happening in the real world and I am not alone. Joining me to discuss the real world history of The Death and Return of Superman is the co-founder of The Fire and Water Podcast Network, as well as being one of my best friends in the world, The Irredeemable Shag. As some of you may know Shag managed a comic shop in the early nineties so he was there when both the Death and Return happened. He was also a reader of the Superman books at the time, so through the course of the special we talk about the behind the scenes history of the story, where we were when we learned that the death was coming, what it was like the day the comic hit stores, our own experiences reading the saga and the legacy this story left on us and the comic book world.
You will also learn how the theater kept distracting me throughout the time The Death and Return issues were being published.
Posted in FOB Showcase Presents
Episode 222: September 1995 Part 2
Welcome to the two hundredth and twenty-second episode of From Crisis to Crisis: A Superman Podcast! This podcast has a simple premise; examine just about every Superman comic published between Man of Steel #1 in 1986 to Adventures of Superman #649 in 2006 in an informative and hopefully entertaining format.
This time out Mike and Jeff continue their discussion of the September 1995 cover dated Superman books. Up first is Superman #104, which has a cover that is a tad misleading. It’s a good cover but it writes a check that the story doesn’t necessarily cash. In this issue a warrior from Apokolips Boom Tubes to Earth and seeks the Man of Steel’s help in saving his daughter, who is about to be executed by Darkseid. Superman heads to Apokolips and suddenly the issue becomes a conversation on freedom and when to step in and save a people from a brutal dictatorship.
Oh, and a bad guy returns “from the dead”. He’s not in the issue as much as the cover would have you believe, but he is there.
Then in Adventures of Superman #527 the Alpha Centurions returns to make his first appearance…in this timeline anyway. The hero from one of Superman side trips during Zero Hour makes a dramatic entrance and Superman spends a good deal of the issue acting like a jealous high school boyfriend because he remembers the fact that during Zero Hour Alpha Centurion and Lois were an item. We also see more of the Contessa Erica Alexandra Del Portenza, who seems to take a shine to the Alpha Centurion.
Mike also goes off on a tear about why he’s excited about the books he and Jeff are currently covering and will be covering down the road.
Below is a gallery of covers and selected pages from the comics discussed.
(Audio Note: Jeff’s audio is a bit garbled at times. It’s not too bad and the episode was able to be released but Mike wanted you to know about it ahead of time. Or ahead of time if you read the show notes.)
You can subscribe to the show in two ways. First there is the RSS Feed and there is also the iTunes link. Are you on Facebook? Be sure to “like” the official FCTC page, which you can find by clicking on this link.
You can email the show by clicking this link. All questions, concerns, fears, trepidations and cheap shots are welcome. Also be sure to give us a review over on iTunes and feel free to comment on the show here at the site!
Next Time: It’s time for September 1995 Supplemental! Books covered, to one extent or another, will be Superboy #19, Steel #19, New Titans #125, Loose Cannon #4, Showcase ’95 #8 and Outsiders #22!
This episode of From Crisis to Crisis was brought to you by Jason Sandberg’s Jupiter! Check it out today at Comixology!
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Episode 23: The Doctor and Mister Chicken
Welcome to the twenty-third episode of The Overlooked Dark Knight. The is a non-index index show where the hosts, Andrew Leyland and Michael Bailey, look at Batman comics that rarely, if ever, get talked about. In the second episode of the month they discuss the various books that were associated with the animated Batman shows of the nineties, though just about everything is fair game.
This time out things return to normal and Mike and Andy travel back to the late seventies to talk about two solid Batman stories. In Batman #317 Robin continues to hang around and the Dynamic Duo take on the Riddler in a plot where…”shockingly”…the Riddler leaves clues and Batman and Robin must solve them to catch the villain. The commentary on this issue includes a lengthy discussion on where the Riddler fits into Batman’s rogues gallery. Then in Brave and the Bold #156 the Dark Knight teams up with Doctor Fate. Sort of. It’s complicated but still a good read.
Below is a gallery of images from the comic covered in this episode.
Andy and Mike want your feedback on this episode so they can read it on an upcoming show! You even have options in how you leave your feedback. The most direct way is to leave a comment right here on the site. You can also send all questions, concerns, fears and trepidations to Then there’ the Facebook page, where you can also leave a Batman related question for Andy and Mike to answer at the beginning of the show. If you talk about this show on the social medias please include a #overlookeddk so the guys know where to find it.
If you want to subscribe to the show here’s the RSS Feed and the iTunes link. If you use iTunes please leave us a review. Not only will we read that on the air like the other feedback but it really helps the show out.
Next Time: Animated Batman! Be there!
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Episode 221: September 1995 Part 1
Welcome to the two hundredth and twenty-first episode of From Crisis to Crisis: A Superman Podcast! This podcast has a simple premise; examine just about every Superman comic published between Man of Steel #1 in 1986 to Adventures of Superman #649 in 2006 in an informative and hopefully entertaining format.
This time out Mike and Jeff kick off their discussions about the Superman books with a September 1995 cover date with the resolution to one story and a special guest star in the next. In Action Comics #713 the whole Savior storyline wraps up as Ramsey Murdoch finally becomes the Savior, emphasis on the word “finally”. There’s also some bits and bobs involving the fallout of Jimmy rage quitting the Planet, Cat Grant’s problems at work and another example of why Lois and Clark should not leave town for a date. This is followed by Superman: The Man of Steel #48, which guest stars future (or current or past, depending on when you read this) movie sensation Aquaman! It seems there are monsters from the deep attacking the shore and Superman momentarily forgets that he is in a DC book for moment leading to the always hilarious fight followed by a team-up against a new undersea threat.
Below is a gallery of covers and selected pages from the comics discussed.
You can subscribe to the show in two ways. First there is the RSS Feed and there is also the iTunes link. Are you on Facebook? Be sure to “like” the official FCTC page, which you can find by clicking on this link.
You can email the show by clicking this link. All questions, concerns, fears, trepidations and cheap shots are welcome. Also be sure to give us a review over on iTunes and feel free to comment on the show here at the site!
Next Time: September 1995 continues with Superman #104 and Adventures of Superman #427
This episode of From Crisis to Crisis was brought to you by Jason Sandberg’s Jupiter! Check it out today at Comixology!
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Episode 220: August 1995 Supplemental
Welcome to the two hundredth and twentieth episode of From Crisis to Crisis: A Superman Podcast! This podcast has a simple premise; examine just about every Superman comic published between Man of Steel #1 in 1986 to Adventures of Superman #649 in 2006 in an informative and hopefully entertaining format.
This time out Mike and Jeff are trying out yet another new format by putting all the side and related titles into their own episode. They don’t know how well this is going to work, but they are willing to give it a shot. So, over the course of this episode the boys will be talking about the supplemental issues from cover date August 1995. There are two books they spend the most time on, the first being Superboy #18. In this issue The Kid takes on Champion, a super powered fighter sent to attack Superboy by a crooked guy named Gamboli for fun and profit. Or at the very least profit. Then in Steel #18 things heat up with John’s battle with Hazard and we get more with Chindi. After that the boys trip hammer through Loose Cannon #3, New Titans #124 and Outsiders #21 because two out of the three of those books are really freaking bad.
Below is a gallery of covers and selected pages from the comics discussed.
You can subscribe to the show in two ways. First there is the RSS Feed and there is also the iTunes link. Are you on Facebook? Be sure to “like” the official FCTC page, which you can find by clicking on this link.
You can email the show by clicking this link. All questions, concerns, fears, trepidations and cheap shots are welcome. Also be sure to give us a review over on iTunes and feel free to comment on the show here at the site!
Next Time: Cover date September 1995 begins with Action Comics #713 and Superman: The Man of Steel #48!
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Episode 219: August 1995 Part 2
Welcome to the two hundredth and nineteenth episode of From Crisis to Crisis: A Superman Podcast! This podcast has a simple premise; examine just about every Superman comic published between Man of Steel #1 in 1986 to Adventures of Superman #649 in 2006 in an informative and hopefully entertaining format.
This time out Mike and Jeff wrap up the Triangle Numbered books with an August 1995 cover date, which features a major event in the life of Jimmy Olsen! In Superman #103 the once and future Mr. Action draws out Arclight to get a big story and things don’t go as planned leading Jim to make a rash decision regarding his employment at the Daily Planet. Then, in Adventures of Superman #526, it’s Bloodsport vs. Bloodsport as the prison holding both men foolishly decide to let them have a boxing match, which couldn’t possibly lead to a full-blown riot, right? Oh wait, it does lead to a full-blown riot. Finally, the boys take a look at what else was going on in the DCU during this cover month.
(One again the subject matter of the second book leads Mike and Jeff into a discussion about some very real-world topics. Mike gives a heads up about this before that particular segment but the boys felt you should get a heads up here as well.)
Below is a gallery of covers and selected pages from the comics discussed.
You can subscribe to the show in two ways. First there is the RSS Feed and there is also the iTunes link. Are you on Facebook? Be sure to “like” the official FCTC page, which you can find by clicking on this link.
You can email the show by clicking this link. All questions, concerns, fears, trepidations and cheap shots are welcome. Also be sure to give us a review over on iTunes and feel free to comment on the show here at the site!
Next Time: Mike and Jeff cover the supplemental books with an August 1995 cover date. These books include Superboy #18, Steel #18, Loose Cannon #3, New Titans #124 and Outsiders #21.
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Episode 218: August 1995 Part 1
Welcome to the two hundredth and eighteenth episode of From Crisis to Crisis: A Superman Podcast! This podcast has a simple premise; examine just about every Superman comic published between Man of Steel #1 in 1986 to Adventures of Superman #649 in 2006 in an informative and hopefully entertaining format.
(Official FCTC Heads Up…During the discussion Mike and Jeff have about Superman: The Man of Steel #47 the talk gets very political. The boys realize this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, so they want to make you aware of it before the episode begins. Things get real, as they see. So…consider yourself warned.)
Things get back to normal as Mike and Jeff get into the first half of the Superman books with a August 1995 cover date on them. First up is Action Comics #712, which should be called The Death of Clark Kent Epilogue as it deals with the one loose end from the conclusion of that story line. Jimmy Olsen is still a captive of Conduit, even though he’s dead, and Superman is forced to jump through a number of hoops to save him. Then in Superman: The Man of Steel #47 we go back in time with an adventure with a young Perry White where he meets Franklin Sterns for the first time as they deal with racism, bigotry and the super strong members of the Aryan Brotherhood! Finally the boys talk about what else was going on in the real world during the month these comics were published in a segment they like to call Meanwhile, At The Daily Planet Building.
Below is a gallery of covers and selected pages from the comics discussed.
And here is the video from the DC Comics commercial that was played during the episode. Not only did they slap this thing on the Batman: The Animated Series VHS tapes they made it available to comic shops to use as television commercials, which is why you see the little bit at the end.
You can subscribe to the show in two ways. First there is the RSS Feed and there is also the iTunes link. Are you on Facebook? Be sure to “like” the official FCTC page, which you can find by clicking on this link.
You can email the show by clicking this link. All questions, concerns, fears, trepidations and cheap shots are welcome. Also be sure to give us a review over on iTunes and feel free to comment on the show here at the site!
Next Time: The boys wrap up August 1995 with Superman #103 and Adventures of Superman #526!
Posted in From Crisis to Crisis
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